Who is MATI the label…
MÀTI the Label is a distinguished luxury swimwear brand that has drawn inspiration from the Mediterranean & the symbolism of the evil eye.
We are dedicated to not only developing a luxury brand that is ethical & environmentally friendly, but also empowering women to embrace their bodies with unparalleled confidence and sensuality.
Each of our collections are meticulously made to enhance the natural beauty of every woman who wears MÀTI. We believe that true empowerment starts with feeling comfortable in your own skin, and our swimwear is carefully designed to contour and shape your body making you look & feel like a goddess!
The word ‘Mati’ is Greek for ‘Evil eye’, an ancient symbol believed to protect against negative energies. Our MÀTI symbol adds a unique and meaningful touch to our collections, instilling a sense of strength, resilience & protection to our wearers.
MÀTI the Label is more than just a brand; it's a movement and a strong community of beautiful women all shapes and sizes.
When you shop with MÀTI, you can trust we have sourced the highest quality Italian fabrics and ethical craftsmanship to ensure we deliver you with luxurious swimwear that makes you feel beautiful!
Our heart and soul has been poured into MÀTI to bring you the perfect pieces that combine fashion with sustainability, style, comfort, quality and self confidence.
We can’t wait to see you looking and feeling your best each and every summer day!